9 Proven Health Benefits of Olive Oil
healthy olive oil

Olive oil may one of the healthiest fats that you can find. It has been included in diets and beauty routines of the Mediterranean people for thousands of years. Historically it has also been used as medicine. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine in the western world called olive oil “the great healer” and listed 60 medical uses for it.

Its properties have helped people live wholesome long lives. In fact, in two of the five ‘Blue Zones,’ extra-virgin olive oil is incorporated as a main staple of the people’s Mediterranean diet. ‘Blue Zones’ are places where the local communities live longer than average.

“Extra-virgin olive oil has always been considered a middle road between food and medicine and there is growing evidence that its health benefits include reduction of coronary heart disease risk factor, prevention of several types of cancer, and the modification of immune and inflammatory responses.” [1] There have been hundreds of studies that continue to prove how beneficial it can be when included in your diet.

Health benefits of olive oil

How To Harness Olive Oil’s Health Benefits?

Olive oil can be used as part of healthy diet and a daily beauty regime. To get the benefits of olive oil, the first thing to do is to make sure that you are using extra virgin olive oil. This is because extra virgin olive oil is the least processed out of the other types of olive oils and is the most nutrient dense. Extra virgin olive oil can be consumed raw or cooked. When cooking although it looses some of its flavor, it doesn’t loose any of its health benefits.

Olive oil has been beauty routines for centuries and its even rumored to have been a favorite of Cleopatra. It can be used on the body, face and hair. When choosing which olive oil beauty product, make sure you are using certified-organic, non-GMO, cold-pressed, and unrefined extra-virgin olive oil, so that you take advantage of all the benefits.

For more about how olive can help your health and wellness, click here.

Sources: Healthline, Science Direct, Blue Zones

(1) Caramia G. L’olio extra vergine d’oliva. Dalla leggenda al razionale scientifico degli aspetti nutraceutici. Pediatr Med Chir. 2006;28(1-3):9-23. Italian. PMID: 17533893.

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